Government Printers Rendezvous in the Rockies

State government printers from around the country assembled in Denver last month for the 35th annual National Government Publishing Association (NGPA) conference. About 30 government attendees took part in the three-day event, which was titled "Exceptional Government and the Power of Partnership."
In addition to the educational sessions, roundtables and member discussions, the group visited the State of Colorado's Integrated Document Services (IDS) operation, overseen by conference host Mike Lincoln. There they saw the in-plant's extensive offset and digital printing operation—which includes a Xerox Color 1000 and a two-color Presstek/A.B. Dick 9995 offset press, among other equipment—as well as its impressive mailing operation, home to two Pitney Bowes FlowMaster inserters and a 94-bin Olympus sorter.

Bob has served as editor of In-plant Impressions since October of 1994. Prior to that he served for three years as managing editor of Printing Impressions, a commercial printing publication. Mr. Neubauer is very active in the U.S. in-plant industry. He attends all the major in-plant conferences and has visited more than 180 in-plant operations around the world. He has given presentations to numerous in-plant groups in the U.S., Canada and Australia, including the Association of College and University Printers and the In-plant Printing and Mailing Association. He also coordinates the annual In-Print contest, co-sponsored by IPMA and In-plant Impressions.