Judges Pick 67 In-Print 2015 Winners
In March, the winners of the In-Print 2015 contest were selected after a full day of judging by six print industry veterans. After carefully examining more than 400 entries, judges picked 67 winners from 28 different in-plants, including 26 Gold award winners.
The in-plant with the most awards was once again the University of Oklahoma, which won an impressive 10 awards, five of them Gold. Winning the second largest number of prizes was The World Bank Group, which earned six awards. Both Excellus BlueCross BlueShield and the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS won five awards this year, while the University of North Texas won four. Collecting three awards each were the University of Delaware, Briggs & Stratton, Bucknell University and Nestle Purina Petcare.
Judging took place at In-plant Printing and Mailing Association headquarters in Kearney, Mo., under warm, sunny skies. A mostly new crew of judges volunteered this year: