Sponsored by: Canon Solutions America Joe Schember, Product Manager, Digital Specialty & Paper, Mohawk Fine Papers Inc.
It’s a question that printers should never stop asking themselves: what can I make for my customers that they’ll keep on wanting me to make for them? The answer is specialty applications: useful printed pieces that command attention, deliver brand messaging, and drive response. Some are simple. Some are complex. This webinar explains how to make all of them work for your printing business. Examples include:
Banners, Bookmarks, Bumper Stickers, Counter Cards, Door Hangers, Event Tickets, Greeting Cards, Hang Tags, Header Cards, Large Format, Magnets, Notepads, Plastic Cards, Pocket Folders, Political Campaign Items, Rack Cards, Stickers, Table Tents, Tear Off Cards, Trading Cards, Window Clings
Geared to digital as well as conventional production, this live program will answer your questions about applications that your customers can profit from using – and that your shop can profit from producing for them. Want more information? Email us at cswebinars3@napco.com or give us a call at (215) 238-5300.
Sponsored by Canon Solutions America
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