Piet De Pauw

Piet De Pauw

Piet De Pauw is the Head of Marketing at Enfocus.

Is the Printing Industry Embracing Industry 4.0?

There are four major components to defining Industry 4.0, aside from simply calling it the Fourth Industrial Revolution. How has the print industry, as a whole, done with embracing this new wave of technology?

How to Eradicate Graphic File Errors Before Printing

File errors are one of the biggest workflow cripplers in the printing industry. Validating and repairing job files as they are onboarded prevents the snowballing of wasted time and money for each process that encounters the job.

Attracting Millennials to Take on Printing Roles

The printing industry workforce is aging. When it comes down to it, the only way to replace a retiring population of print craftsmen is to bring in young people who are trainable. Enter, the Millennials.