Consumables-General - Coatings

Antimicrobial coatings can help printers meet the demand for clean, germ-free environments — but the benefits mustn’t be oversold.
When installing self-adhesive graphics, the last thing you probably think about is the remnants you throw away. However, the quality of these remnants - better known as release liners - can make a significant difference to the printing and installation of graphics.
Due to the increase in demand for alcohol and solvent for use in sanitizers and pharmaceutical initiatives, Sun Chemical will increase the prices of its solvent-based inks and coatings.
A new laminate film from Drytac, branded as Polar Chrome, provides an eye-catching, silvery finish for graphics projects. The 3 mm PET product is compatible with numerous ink systems, including solvent, latex and UV cured. PRINTING United Booth 6224.