Adobe Systems

IPMA 99 A Time For Change
August 1, 1999

With a balance of educational sessions and networking, the conference in Minneapolis was a huge success. As in-plant managers drifted into Minneapolis for IPMA 99, they gradually caught wind of a startling piece of news that seemed sure to affect the entire conference: Larry Aaron, executive director of the International Publishing Management Association, had resigned just a week before. Despite some early concerns, however, IPMA staff and volunteers worked tirelessly to bring the 40th international conference and exhibit to a successful conclusion—and one that left attendees with a positive outlook for the future of the organization. Aaron's departure—which was followed by

On Demand--Build A Digital Dynasty
July 1, 1999

Digital printing will surge to a $35 billion market by 2003. At the recent On Demand Conference, in-plant managers learned how to prepare. Every year at the conference he started back in 1994, Charles Pesko presents the crowd with figures predicting the tremendous growth of on-demand printing. Even so, when Pesko, managing director of CAP Ventures, announced this year that digital printing will surge from $13.3 billion in 1998 to $35.1 billion in 2003—a 21 percent per year growth rate—the crowd at the On Demand Digital Printing and Publishing Strategy Conference and Exposition was duly impressed. Nearly 20,000 people arrived in New York