Fuller Grafix

Fuller Grafix Announces Spring Open House On April 16-17
March 25, 2008

WOOD DALE, IL—March 25, 2008—Fuller Grafix, Inc. will be demonstrating the latest in printing, binding and mailing equipment during a Spring Open House event at its demonstration and training center in Wood Dale, Illinois on April 16 and 17 from 10 AM to 6 PM. The latest equipment and technology from the following manufacturers will be on display and available for demonstration: Sakurai presses; Hamada presses; Standard Horizon binding systems and folders; FMA UV coaters; Rena mailing and tabbing systems; Micron paper cutters; Preferred Packaging shrink wrapping systems and more. “Following the success of our Printing and Coating seminars last August we

Ace Scores New Color Gear
July 1, 2002

When the demand for color printing grew, Ace Reprographics took action. It installed CTP, color proofing and a new five-color press. Up until last January, whenever Ace Hardware Reprographics produced four-color offset work, the 80-employee in-plant had to print it on a two-color MAN Roland press. As the amount of four-color work increased, the operation started getting overwhelmed. "One of our biggest programs just continued to grow," says Rick Salinas, production manager, referring to Ace Hardware's two-year-old Helpful Hardware Club. Membership in this preferred customer program soared to three million, straining the in-plant's ability to continue producing quality promotional pieces for the program