Despite Workforce Reduction, GPO Maintains Efficiency
The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has achieved the goal of reducing its workforce by 5 percent after offering employee buyouts during the first quarter of FY 2015. A total of 103 employees took GPO’s buyout. GPO’s total workforce today is at 1,699 employees, the fewest in the past century. Since 1980, GPO has reduced its workforce by 74 percent as the result of using new technologies, a rate of change unparalleled elsewhere among other Legislative Branch agencies. These reductions in personnel in no way compromise GPO’s ability to carry out mission critical operations, including publishing support for Congress and Federal agencies and providing public access to Government information. GPO anticipates the buyout will save nearly $7.1 million for the remainder of FY 2015.
“GPO continues to better position itself to respond to the 21st century digital information needs of Congress, Federal agencies, and the public,” commented GPO Director Davita Vance-Cooks. “Reducing costs and improving efficiency in carrying out our mission of keeping America information are ongoing GPO objectives.”