IPMA Honors In-plants for Achievements
Four in-plants and one manager are being honored by the In-Plant Printing and Mailing Association (IPMA) for their outstanding achievements. The winners of this year's IPMA Awards will be recognized during IPMA's awards banquet on June 27, in Kansas City. They are:
- Management Award: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Printing Division, Salt Lake City, Utah. Under the leadership of Craig Sedgwick, the in-plant launched many vigorous initiatives and improvements in 2011. Spoilage was reduced by 16.8 percent as a result of a quality assurance/annual incentive plan; volume increased nearly 5 percent to about 8 billion impressions due to production improvements; production cycle times improved by 3 percent; VPP (Voluntary Protection Plan) certification was achieved through OSHA; and 26 employees earned one or more GATF certifications.
- Promotional Excellence Award: Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. BYU submitted a beautiful 28-page full-color hardbound book to showcase its range of promotional efforts. The in-house team of marketing experts used every promotional avenue imaginable to spread the word about its services including open houses, training seminars, internet and on-campus marketing campaigns, calendars, cookbooks, photo books, notepads, ads, invitations, posters, fliers, bookmarks and more.
- Mail Center of the Year Award: State of Colorado, Integrated Document Solutions, Denver. It has been an amazing year of growth and evolution for IDS, which has reinvented itself to meet the changing needs of government. By implementing cost-effective processes and incorporating money-saving technology, IDS has established a position of relevance. This team is now viewed as a key strategic partner to all of its customers in local municipalities, counties, and agencies.
- Outstanding Contributor Award: Rob Lingard, Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators. Rob, who is IPMA's new President Elect, is described as the Utah chapter's most well known and respected member, always willing to volunteer his time and skill. Not only has he served in every position of the local board multiple times, he never misses a chapter meeting and has attended nearly every IPMA conference since 1999, often serving as a presenter. Chapter colleague Janice Gadd wrote, "Rob has single handedly kept Utah's IPMA chapter afloat. He knows how to get people involved and deserves any and all accolades he receives."
- Judges Certificate of Recognition: Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield, Rochester, N.Y. The judges wanted to recognize a very impressive promotional piece submitted by Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield. The attention-grabbing box entitled, "Making a Splash with Document Solutions," was packed with a colorful assortment of promotional items. The box cleverly encourages customers who are "tired of feeling boxed in" to "think outside the box" and use the expertise of Document Solutions.
IPG joins IPMA in congratulating these winners for their efforts.
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