Transcontinental Inc.

TC Transcontinental Broadens Scope of its Paper Purchasing Policy
January 23, 2013

TC Transcontinental has widended the internal and external scope of its Paper Purchasing Policy by stipulating that recycled or certified papers be used for its printing and own publishing activities. The new policy will enable TC Transcontinental to more accurately measure the results of its ongoing efforts and to share them with customers and investors, stakeholders and organizations interested in its sustainability efforts.

Finding the Right Mix
December 1, 2012

Multichannel marketing continued to be the main focus for both publishers and catalogers in 2012, with the integration of print and electronic media being a key driver. As mobile technology such as smart phones and tablets gained more popularity, publishers continued to look for ways to monetize and incorporate them into their mix. The adoption of QR codes, pURLs and Augmented Reality applications also continued to grow.

Addressing Evolving Needs
December 1, 2012

If anything, the emergence of eBooks as an über niche tucked inside the book publishing space has provided more opportunities for the printing community to show off its diversity to publishing clients. Some of the nation's largest book printers have dug deep into their coffers to fortify printing capabilities and capacity, a sign of health despite an economy that refuses to break into full recovery model.