Jeff Gworek

Although U.S. institutes of higher education might feel they are the only ones facing revenue shortfalls in this sour economic climate, these challenges are world wide. To better understand how U.S. colleges and universities are seeking alternative sources of revenue, a delegation of Russian university senior administrators recently toured four campuses in the northeast, accompanied by Ed Danielczyk, president/owner of business eXcellence consulting, who organized the visit.

In April, Xerox hosted an event in Washington, D.C., that drew more than 80 in-plants from around the region. Titled “Freedom to Perform: Innovative Ideas to Make Your In-plant Thrive,” the one-day event focused on sharing best practices.

Three in-plant managers recently paid a visit to Russia to share information about their operations with a group of university book publishers there. They spoke at a three-day conference held by the Publishing and Press Association of Universities of Russia, in Pushkin, Russia.

Moving to a larger facility usually means paying more money. But when Yale University Printing & Publishing Services (YPPS) relocated to new quarters in New Haven, Conn., last March, not only did the in-plant gain 7,000 square feet, a warehouse area and a better workflow, the shop cut its rent in half.

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