Richard Vines

THE WIDESPREAD neglect of the in-plant is a phenomenon that makes no sense at all. To really understand the capacity and sustainability of the industry, I have attempted to frame the future through the lens of those that make up the industry. To do this, I asked myself: What are the attributes of successful in-house personnel

The in-plant is in a potentially crucial position in a world of increasing digital media convergence. By Richard Vines The modern world is indebted to print. Gutenberg's legacy gave rise to mass literacy and established the foundation for an era of mass production. But the rise of computer networks and Internet protocols is already spawning a new era. Some of the important features of this emerging world are personalization and mass-customization (instead of mass production), accessibility of content from the desktop and print-on-demand. Most enterprises now use a combination of print-based and Internet-based communication channels. Both workflows are crucial. But

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