There is certainly no shortage of offset presses at the University of Tennessee, in Knoxville. The 47-employee in-plant boasts six of them, the centerpiece being a four-color Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 105.
Still, Graphic Arts Service Manager Jack Williams knew the best days of the shop’s two-color Hamada CD-555 were behind it, and there was no shortage of two-color printing coming in the door. So in October, the in-plant installed its second two-color Heidelberg Printmaster QM 46-2.

Bob has served as editor of In-plant Impressions since October of 1994. Prior to that he served for three years as managing editor of Printing Impressions, a commercial printing publication. Mr. Neubauer is very active in the U.S. in-plant industry. He attends all the major in-plant conferences and has visited more than 180 in-plant operations around the world. He has given presentations to numerous in-plant groups in the U.S., Canada and Australia, including the Association of College and University Printers and the In-plant Printing and Mailing Association. He also coordinates the annual In-Print contest, co-sponsored by IPMA and In-plant Impressions.