Business Management – Market Research

In-plant Salary Survey (2019)
April 6, 2020

The thriving U.S. economy of the past few years appears to have had a positive impact on the salaries of in-plant managers.

Higher-Ed In-plant Trends
April 6, 2020

Recent In-plant Impressions research shows college and university in-plants are focused on supporting the educational mission of their institution, adding services their customers need, and keeping up with technology, and their revenue is increasing as a result.

The Largest In-plants: Updated
December 20, 2019 at 11:06 am

After receiving some updated data, we've posted a new list of the largest 80 in-plants in the country, ranked by both annual sales and employees.

The 10 Largest School District In-plants
December 12, 2019 at 4:23 pm

Though nowhere near as big as the largest university in-plants, several K-12 in-plants have impressive operations. Find out which in-plants made it into the top 10.

The 20 Largest In-plants in Government
December 4, 2019 at 10:27 am

As we prepare to publish our annual ranking of the largest in-plants, we decided to reveal some of the data a little early. Here are the 20 largest government in-plants, ranked by employees and then by sales.