
WASHINGTON, DC—November 21, 2007—Yesterday, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), in a 5-1 vote, determined that Coated Free Sheet (CFS) paper imports from China, Indonesia, and Korea were not injuring nor threatening to injure the domestic industry. As a result, the anti-dumping and countervailing duties previously announced by the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) will not be imposed on CFS from these countries, and any deposits that have been collected will be refunded. The ITC vote terminates the year-long investigation. The investigation was initiated in 2006 by one U.S.-based paper supplier, NewPage Corporation; the industry as a whole did not petition for this investigation. The

As the University of Washington's first director of Publications Services, Eric Mosher presides over the top university in-plant in the country. By Joe Ranoia Eric Mosher didn't set out for a career in printing. However, his ability to do many things well and adapt to challenges led him on a fascinating career path, culminating in his appointment as the first director of Publications Services in the University of Washington's history. Mosher, 59, was born in Pittsburgh, but grew up in Boulder, Colo., where he briefly attended Colorado State University before joining the Army. Mosher served in Korea during the Vietnam War and fortunately saw

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