Reading, Pa.

When GPU began yet another reorganization, rumor had it the in-plant was doomed. But careful documentation helped bring about a different ending to the tale. In 1990, the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) conducted a study of the printing needs of GPU Corp., a Reading, Pa.-based electric utility company. RIT recommended GPU centralize and expand its printing operation. The reasons stated were to maintain confidentiality, control the accuracy and quality of work and to save the company 15 to 30 percent in printing costs. In the 10 years that passed since that initial recommendation, GPU has formally reorganized four times, and is

Leasing can bring the latest technology into your in-plant now. But there are pitfalls. Learn how other managers make their decisions. "Years ago, you could easily justify the purchase of a press and be confident of a 10- to 20-year productive life span. Technology changes so fast today, it's very difficult to commit to a major purchase unless the return on investment is relatively short." That comment from Dean A. Focht, manager of GPU Energy's in-plant in Reading, Pa., probably has you shaking your head in agreement. But what can you do about it? Leasing is one answer. It lets you try out

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