How New Promotional Products Printing Technology Can Increase Profitability and Deliver Customer Value
Sponsored by: PRINTING United Jay Roberts, Product Manager, UV Products, Roland DGA; Michael Bistocchi, Western Regional Sales Manager, Inkcups; and Zach Ellsworth, Director, Fulfillment Technology, STAHLS’
Efficient and cost-effective decorating capabilities are vital to the success of any promotional products supplier. Selecting the right machinery or process for imprinting each substrate can be challenging, but implementing new technologies can provide a more profitable and sustainable solution for both your business and your clients/prospects.
In this webinar, you’ll hear from industry experts as they outline how advances in printing technology can help you increase sales and profitability. They’ll also:
- Showcase how automation can help alleviate the stress and strain of finding, training and keeping skilled labor
- Discuss the importance of understanding the substrate you are printing on before you select the appropriate printing process
- Outline how digital equipment will allow you take to shorter-run and personalized jobs you may not be able to accept using your current technology
- And more
Sponsored by PRINTING United
See below to view this free webinar today!
This webinar is sponsored by PRINTING United. Built on the strong foundation of the SGIA Expo, PRINTING United is a new trade exhibition that will provide promotional products suppliers access to imprinting solutions and education across all market segments, keeping your organization out in front of the market. Join us in Dallas, Oct 23-25, 2019, for the inaugural PRINTING United to see state-of-the-art solutions for hard goods, garment, industrial and graphics/wide-format applications, in addition to the commercial, packaging and in-plant printing segments.
Visit for more information.